Twelfthtidemarket on the Mostelberg
From December 27 to 29, 2024 Twelfthtidemarket on the Mostelberg.

Origin of the Twelfthtides
The twelve days from December 25th to January 6th are usually referred to as the Twelfthtides. They have their roots in Germanic and Celtic traditions.
A lunar year had only 354 days, a solar year 365. To compensate this difference, the Celts added 11 leap days and thus 12 nights, which were virtually non-existent. The 12 nights symbolized the 12 months of the year. It was believed that during this time, the laws of nature were suspended and the gates to another world were open. Therefore, the spirits of the deceased, ancestors and nature spirits could roam freely and influence the human world - both positively and negatively.
For this reason, various customs developed to ask for protection and blessings for the coming year. In different parts of Europe, there are different traditions that have developed and persisted from the local cultural and historical contexts. Some rituals have been adopted from earlier times, some have changed over time and new ones have been added.
Friday, December 27 | |
14:00 - 20:00 | Market activity |
14:00 | Lantern crafting with Claudia Büeler (CHF 5 per piece) |
15:00 | Fairy tale "Höhenangst" with Mary Palkoska |
16:00 | Presentation by Tanja Suppiger "Rauhnächte: Herkunft, Mystik und Rituale", followed by book signing |
18:00 | Story time with Guido Schuler "Rauhnächte und die Innerschwyzer Sagenwelt" |
18:00 - 22:00 | Lantern path open, Night tobogganing, Fondue fun |
Saturday, December 28 | |
14:00 - 20:00 | Market activity |
14:00 | Lantern crafting with Claudia Büeler (CHF 5 per piece) |
15:00 | Decorating Twelfthtide cakes with Claudia Büeler (CHF 5 per piece) |
16:00 | Seminar with Rosa-Maria Rykart "Räuchern: Wirkung und praktische Anwendungen" |
18:00 | Performance Sattler Greifler |
18:00 - 22:00 | Lantern path open, Night tobogganing, Fondue fun |
Sunday, December 29 | |
12:00 - 16:00 | Market activity |
14:00 | Lantern crafting with Claudia Büeler (CHF 5 per piece) |
15:00 | Fairy tale "Höhenangst" with Mary Palkoska |
16:00 | Story time with Guido Schuler "Rauhnächte und die Innerschwyzer Sagenwelt" |
Information & Directions
Address: The market takes place directly at the Sattel-Hochstuckli mountain station: Sattel-Hochstuckli AG, Kreisel 2, 6417 Sattel
Parking spaces: You will find parking spaces at the valley station. Arrival is by revolving gondola lift.
Operating hours of the revolving gondola lift: Friday & Saturday: 8.30 a.m. - 10 p.m. (last descent at 11 p.m.), Sunday: 8.30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Bouncy castle: Open for children in dry weather.
Mary Palkoska
Brief description fairy tale "fear of heights":
The Rondos and Benno, St. Nicholas' little donkey, want to cross the suspension bridge at night. Benno, who has never crossed the suspension bridge before, unfortunately realizes that he suffers from a fear of heights. But Benno really wants to see the Lauitobel, the Lauitobel stream and especially the silver fir trees with their pine cones growing upwards. Rondi has a good idea of how they can help Benno overcome his fear of heights.
Website: Marys Stories

Tanja Suppiger
Tanja Suppiger has been accompanying people through the twelfthtides for many years and knows how overwhelming life can sometimes be - especially if you are sensitive.
The twelfthtides are a magical time that is particularly close to her heart and that she has been celebrating personally for a long time.
Tanja Supper also accompanies sensitive people into a powerful, self-determined, mindful life.
Websites: feinSEIN, Twelfthtides

Guido Schuler
Guido Schuler knows the people of Central Schwyz very well and as the “Night Watchman of Schwyz”, the passionate storyteller is a committed participant in this mysterious world of stories and legends. He takes his listeners into a fascinating, almost forgotten world.
His repertoire mainly includes legendary village tours in Schwyz, peppered with historical explanations of field names and the history of many special buildings in the main town, but also other legend lectures in the various municipalities in the inner part of the canton.
Website: Schwyzer Sagen

Rosa-Maria Rykart
Rosa-Maria Rykart is the proud owner of a traditional alp in the Swiss mountains and has been intensively involved with Hildegard von Bingen's medicine for over twenty years due to her closeness to nature. Incense burning with various ingredients was already practiced by Hildegard von Bingen. Rosa-Maria Rykart is also dedicated to this art and practices the healing cleansing of the Twelfthtides with participants. She imparts her knowledge in lectures and seminars, provides spiritual support to people during their time out on their alpine pastures and is a committed and expert representative of the Hildegard von Bingen lifestyle.
Websites: Rosa-Maria, Alp-Ora